
Friday, May 30, 2008

The Great Water Debate

On some of the weight loss forums I belong too one subject frequently comes up--how much water is necessary to drink, and --- and here's the big question -- does it HAVE to be just plain water?

I am not an expert. I can only say what does or does not work for me. I feel like my dieting is successful thus far, and what I can say is that on past 'diets' I've always adhered to the premise that you need to drink as much water as you can stomach, and ONLY water, not tea, coffee, pop, etc. The real reason being that you are attempting to clean out the impurities from your system, flush your kidneys, and all that, and while all of the liquids we drink during the day, and even the liquids contained in foods we eat if they are not 'pure water' are only adding impurities into our system in addition to the water so it's not really cleaning out.

Now I said that was in the past.

If I were to be truthful, I STILL believe the above. The BEST water is PLAIN water.

It really DOES flush out the system, clean out the kidneys, and does it better because you aren't putting more impurities in there while trying to clear it all out.

However, lately I've been really slack in the water department. I still try to drink 8 - 12 oz a day of just plain water, but sometimes I even fall short on that. Where in past diets, and even in the beginning of this 'lifestyle' change, I drank upwards of 64 oz of water a day--yes a gallon or MORE a day of just plain water, and I believe it's a good idea, it just isn't happening lately.

My weight loss hasn't really suffered. I'm still losing weight. So... if the question only pertains to is it necessary to drink only PURE water to lose weight, my answer would be no. Lots of fluids YES, but it doesn't have to be water.

It's said that caffeinated products increase your appetite, so even if you do not drink pure water stay away from caffeinated products... um, well it doesn't work that way for me. I drink tons of coffee and it still has the same effect.

However, it's a good idea -- in my opinion to clean your system out periodically. How often you do it is up to you, and when doing that, I STILL maintain that PURE water is the way to go

PS-this would have been posted yesterday, I had it all typed up, but my brand new wonderful high-speed server went down and stayed down all day today as well until now when they graciously gave me a dial-up number (ick).

Then it would seem that this post just wasn't meant to be, because Blogger didn't let me post it just a minute ago. Here's crossing my fingers for this time.

Feel free to jump in and comment on any posts, and what you think on the subjects.

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