
Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Hi, and welcome.

My name is Tami, and I am over 40. Right smack in the middle of my 40's to be exact, until June when I start to go over that hump and turn 46. In the last nine months I've lost over 105 pounds. No I didn't have a baby. In fact, to lose that much it would have had to be a small adult. It was all thanks to a common sense way of learning to live healthier.

Notice I didn't say diet.

Let's consider 'diet' to be a dirty word from now on. Diets don't work. Changing the way you think and eat for a lifetime works.

I still have a ways to go. Yes, I had let myself get pretty big. I'll give you an idea of how far I've come and how far I have to go with the following illustration.

I'm right in the middle of where I need to/want to be. I know now though that it IS possible. There are good days and bad days. The trick is not to let a bad day destroy your entire goal by giving up. You're human, and you'll have bad days. Get up, brush off your butt, and get back on the horse, so to speak.

One more thing I know is that the comon idea that losing weight over 40 (pre-menopausal, or in menopause) is impossible is a MYTH. It's no harder, and no easier than it ever was.

One thing that is not a myth is that it's harder for women in general to lose weight than it is for men. Sad fact, (for women anyway), but true. That doesn't make it impossible, that just means you can't judge your progress by the progress made by any men you know trying to lose weight too.

Everyone has their own body clock, and regardless of the complex science involved in what we know about weight loss, your body will react in its own way, in its own time, and sometimes not in accordance with 'what we know'. Once you accept that, and learn to enjoy the process as much as the 'goal', you're on your way to a healthier, happier life, and to being FIT AND FABULOUS in your FORTIES.

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